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Capturing the city of London
London is a wondrous city filled with street artists, street art, impressive tall buildings and cute markets. I've been there a few times already and it never dissappoints. I love the diversity amongst the people, the way the old and new city blend together and the interaction of people in the streets. The few days I had didn't even come close to being enough to see everything; especially when travelling by foot. I can't wait till next time!
IMC Alumni Study Event 2020
p 19 januari 2019 kwamen op het Hyperion Lyceum in Amsterdam-Noord 125 ouders en derdejaars leerlingen samen voor de eerste editie van het Alumni Study Event. Hier hebben zij kunnen proeven aan wat de familie die IMC Weekendschool heet te bieden heeft voor haar leerlingen nadat zij hun diploma hebben gehaald zoals workshops door alumni voor alumni (connecties), hulp bij het vinden van stages en de ambassadeursopleiding.
Mama Kenia #1 - 180 Amsterdammers
Elizabeth Njeru heeft voor ogen om Keniaans eten hier in Nederland net zo vanzelfsprekend te maken als Chinees of Thais. Een stukje cultuur verspreiden en mensen door middel van eten dichter bij elkaar brengen. Voor de opening van de expo "180 Amsterdammers" in de OBA verzorgde zij de catering. Hier waren wij kort bij om wat foto's te maken.
Winters Amsterdam
Het leek een zachte winter te gaan worden totdat in het eerste weekend van februari 2021 de kou over het land trok en het landschap wit kleurde. Ook Amsterdam was bedekt met een witte deken; iets wat we steeds minder meemaken en zodoende meer dan genoeg reden voor een winterse wandeling met de camera om de stad vast te leggen op de gevoelige plaat.
Shootin' in the sand
This series of portrets was shot at a large patch of sand in the middle of the woods near Nunspeet. With the sun providing nice natural light during the sunset we had a lot of fun looking for the right shots.
Open haven festival IJburg
IJburg is one of the prime examples of how the Dutch learned to live with water. To expand the city this youngest part was created and now it's a vibrant community housing lot's of families. They host a yearly fair in the local harbour with amusement for all ages. I was at the festival as a sound technician but saw time to take a few pictures during the day.
Exploring NDSM #1
NDSM is a decommissioned shipyard in the north part of the city. The remnants of this previous function are all over the place which makes it a great place for photographers. I did some reconnaissance with fellow photographers Thomas Korver and Jeroen Degekamp.
Portret #1 - Julia
Julia and I met at another job and agreed to take a series of portraits together. We took to an industrial area and took some shots at multiple locations while using different props we found on site. With mostly clouds and the sun coming in now and then we had great lighting to shoot with the Canon 85mm f/1.2L II USM.
Portait #2 - Roos
Roos is an longtime friend who wanted a few new portrait pictures for a while now. Since I had a Canon 85mm f/1.2L II USM at my disposal we scheduled a meet. We took to a location near the IJ in Amsterdam. It was pretty windy but letting the wind play with her hair made a few playful shots. We found a little square close by with a a little less wind where we tried a few other shots. Another fun day shooting.
The board of Anguilla
These lovely ladies are the new board for student society Anguilla in Amsterdam. We had a great time shooting these group shots and portraits in the centre of Amsterdam. They wanted to have businesslike pictures; but they wanted to retain their sweetness and playfulness. I think we succeeded in creating that feel in the pictures.
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